Retail and Sales Training

Our training courses have been developed for both large and small organizations in various branches within the retail and SME sector.

Your staff is trained on behaviour, communication and sales skills to meet the high expectations of customers. Positively influence the experience of your customers and employees. To make a difference in physical stores/catering/automotive, empathy, honesty, authenticity, expertise, humor and flexibility are the deciding factors. Enthusiastic and committed staff make the customer experience memorable.

During this retail program we start from your company culture and we offer tips and tricks that lead to new insights in the field of service, communication and behaviour. We create an internal service language that will be universally and consistently noticeable and audible to the customer. Service and communication; these two pillars are leading in how we should, can and want to distinguish ourselves as a manager or salesperson.

To trust

Any good customer relationship is based on trust. Trust starts with sincerity and honesty. Really listening and hearing what the customer is saying and anticipating it. Once the connection has been made, you then give substance to the relationship. The customer wants to be challenged, for the ‘expected’ purchase he can also go online, for personal service and attention he comes to your store or company. This is the perfect opportunity to offer customers a special and memorable experience and to exceed expectations.

Physical workouts

During our physical training sessions (in-store or in the Training Retail Academy), our modular training components will be trained in an inspiring, fun, challenging and effective way. Training Retail puts your staff ‘ON’.

Length of time:

This program can be given in 2, 3 or 4 days in consultation. The group size is 10 participants. Level: Starting, intermediate or advanced knowledge level.


Does your staff put themselves in the shoes of the customer, how is contact made, what attitude does the salesperson adopt, what questions are asked to find out the need and what knowledge is shared? How do your staff deal with complaints? Making these facets of the customer journey happen in a natural, genuine and fun way encourages more sales. We learn how to lead the conversation the right way, drive sales the right way, and ultimately help customers buy.

Retail & Sales Program:

“First rate (store) experience”

R – Recognize
E – Enable conversation
T – Take the lead
A – Ask
I – Inspire
L – Let it happen